Lovely New Warrant!

We aren't kidding. EXIT 89 never dreamt a Town Meeting Warrant could be so concise and clear. For those of you, who — like us — used to scratch their heads every spring, mystified by municipal-finance speak, the head-scratching is over.

Printed copies of the revamped and re-organized Warrant for Annual and Spring Town Meeting are available at Town Hall. If you can't wait to see it, a digital copy can be found here.

Mark your calendars:
Orleans Annual + Special Town Meeting
Monday, May 13 — 6 PM 
Nauset Middle School Gymnasium 

EXIT 89 will be sending out its preview of the meeting next week. And this Thursday, May 2, from 5-6:30 PM, we'll be moderating an Orleans Citizens Forum – Town Meeting Prep! – at the Orleans Senior Center, 150 Rock Harbor Road.

We hope to see you there!

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